High Efficiency – Waste to Energy Plants
(HE WtE) Plants
Harvest Waste is a spin-out company of the 142-year-old waste management company of the municipality of Amsterdam, capital of the Netherlands. Because waste is not contained to country borders and there is still a lot of waste to be treated, we are a truly international company with a global presence.
OUR TECHNOLOGY: Developed in Amsterdam over the past 100 years
What makes Harvest Waste’s solution unique is its unrivalled efficiency which makes the business case attractive for low-income countries as well as more developed regions. Our High-Efficiency Waste to Energy technology was developed and validated in Amsterdam by the Amsterdam municipality and the Dutch government over the past 100 years. Our company is a spin-out of AEB – the 142-year-old waste management company of the municipality of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Today Amsterdam consistently ranks in the top 3 of global clean and sustainable cities.
The High-Efficiency technology development by the municipality of Amsterdam has resulted in the most efficient and cleanest Waste to Energy facility in the world. This is recognized by amongst others DNV GL and the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water. In Amsterdam we have over 100 years’ experience in Waste to Energy during which 4 generations of Waste to Energy technology have been engineered, implemented and operated. Our High-Efficiency technology is widely acknowledged as “beyond Best Available Technology” and produces more electricity than any other waste incineration technology.