We build the most efficient Waste to Energy solutions in the world

Our technology: developed in Amsterdam over the past 100 years. Our Partners Contact us

Rethinking Pakistan’s Relationship with Plastics

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Intelligence Report

Clean & Green Pakistan

KREL ambition is to develop and construct a world-class “beyond best available technology” facility for (WtE) in Pakistan. Our Partners Contact us

Waste to Energy (WtE) Project

Khan Renewable Energy (Pvt.) Ltd. (KREL) is Special Purpose Company (SPC) consist of strong and knowledgeable partners in the field of waste-to-energy plants. Our Partners Contact us


Our company Khan Renewable Energy (Pvt.) Ltd. (KREL) is a Special Purpose Company (SPC) established to address these issues and replace landfills with advanced waste-to-energy (WtE). KREL consist of strong and knowledgeable partners in the field of waste management and WtE plants. KREL has the ambition to develop and construct a world-class “beyond best available technology” facility for waste-to-energy in the cities of Pakistan.

  • KREL (WtE) facility for Karachi: With a capacity of processing 1500 tons of waste per day, producing around 50 MW of electricity which it will sell to the grid.
  • KREL (WtE) facility for Lahore: with a capacity of processing 3,000 tons of waste per day, producing around 100 MW of electricity which it will sell to the grid.
  • KREL (WtE) facility for Islamabad/Rawalpindi: With a capacity of processing 1500 tons of waste per day, producing around 50 MW of electricity which it will sell to the grid.

Clean & Green Pakistan

Problem & Solution

KREL Events

Public Hearing
Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA) for Waste to Energy, Karachi Project | Held on April 16, 2024

EIA Approval

Public Hearing | Organized by Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Government of Sindh, at Deh Jam Chakro, Gadap Town, Karachi.

Letter of Intent (LOI)
Awarding Ceremony for Waste to Energy, Karachi Project | Held on April 1, 22 at PC Hotel Karachi.

Deals signed to launch waste-to-energy project under public-private partnership. Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh and Karachi’s Administrator Murtaza Wahab witness the signing of agreement for waste-to-energy project in Karachi.

Majority Partners

Khan Renewable Energy (Pvt.) Ltd. (KREL) is Special Purpose Company (SPC) consist of strong and knowledgeable partners in the field of waste-to-energy (WtE) plants.


Let’s Make the Planet Cleaner

KHAN Renewable Energy (Pvt.) Ltd.

As populations grow, waste production grows. While more than one-third of waste in high-income countries is currently treated and reused, over 90% of waste in low-income countries is left untreated, ending up in landfills. The methane emitted from these landfills speeds up global warming at a rate 84 times more potent than CO2 (over 20 years) and 21 times more potent over 100 years, fast turning untreated waste into one of humankind’s greatest threats through soil, water and air pollution which all affect our environment and, in the end, our own health.

In Pakistan, approximately 50.000 tons-per-day (TPD) is of municipal-solid-waste (MSW) is generated. Most of it finds its way to the landfill but still huge portions end up in the environment directly. Unfortunately, landfills do not meet the standards for safe storage of this MSW. Methane from untreated waste is escaping uncontrollably causing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions but may also lead to uncontrolled fires on the landfill.


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Why Choose Us

KREL ambition is to develop and construct a world-class “beyond best available technology” facility for (WtE) in Pakistan.

Our passion is to bridge the world of WtE, because we strongly believe that a circular economy is essential in order to save earth resources for future generations.

BRIDGING THE WORLD OF WASTE TO ENERGY – High Efficiency Waste to Energy (WtE) technology.

We are a global network of aspiring and accomplished scientists, engineers, economists, analysts, industry experts, and developers.

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Priority of the company is the struggle for ecology

KREL ambition is to develop and construct a world-class “beyond best available technology” facility for (WtE) in Pakistan.

Time to harness waste, wind, water & sun

KREL is specifically set-up to pursue opportunities in Pakistan to develop waste-to-energy plants with HARVEST’s High Efficiency Technology.

We love clean energy, the Renewable energy

KREL waste-to-energy facility will greatly benefit the community economically, and the environment of Pakistan.